
目前显示的是 2019的博文


现在的脑机接口技术正迅速发展和普及,假如它与纳米技术相结合,那么就会实现与现在尚未公开的被极少数人掌握的脑控技术同样的功能和效果,到那一天,也就是主流科技实现脑控技术且被所有人知晓的那一天,人们将意识到他们发明出来的是一种什么样的控制和囚禁他们自己的技术,人类将不得不尽他们所有的力量和智慧来摆脱这一控制他们的技术,那时就不再是脑控受害者们孤军奋战,全人类都会加入进来,而在另一边科学家 Keshe 发明的理论和技术已经为人类摆脱上述的电子囚笼提供了解决办法和方案,人类将会采用 Keshe 的技术,然后 Keshe 科技将会从很少有人关注成为家喻户晓的科学界的主流,由此人类历史将进入新的纪元。 这取决于主流科技什么时候能够实现并普及脑控技术。 在此之前只有个体解控而不是集体解控。所谓个体解控是指某位脑控受害者因为某种原因而暂时不被脑控组织脑控(明控),这里的某种原因有可能是因为闹得凶影响力很大,脑控组织顾虑其影响而减轻或不再明控 Ta,也有可能因为组织能力强和影响力大而被脑控组织收买成为他们的人,还有可能因为掌握了屏蔽脑控的技术和方法,脑控组织惮于这种技术扩散而减轻或不再控 Ta,Ta 也因为压力和威胁而沉默,即使你有办法屏蔽脑控,但是你无法让你周围以及其它的人也屏蔽脑控,所以他们还是可以通过别人来监控或影响你,除非所有人都配备了屏蔽脑控的装置,也就是集体解控。

Targeted individual shielding : prevent mind control communication with GANS reactor?

If mind control technology transmits information through electromagnetic waves, can we prevent mind control communication by interfering with electromagnetic waves? Scientist Keshe claims that he has developed a technology that can block wireless communication at any frequency. He mentioned this technique in the article " US Presidential Decree and Keshe Foundation response ". Some of the excerpts are as follows: "The space defense technology developed by the Keshe Foundation using magnetic and gravitational force fields (Magravs) has proved to be the best method for blocking magnetic field communication systems at any frequency. The system is capable of jamming all communication lines and when used correctly can directly block all communication in a large area even from a distance. This means that with a minimum effort all satellite communications can be blocked. " "We tested this system 4 years ago and saw the results. When this system is used effective